"The best argument that we have an immaterial part (called Spirit/Soul) came from Jesus Christ. However, it is recorded in the Gospel of Thomas (not in the Traditional four Gospels)."
I'm surprised you didn't quote the Canonical gospels such as Matthew which says: "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28 New International Version
"If the “scientific” Evolution Theory is true, we should have had, by now, an elevated view about ourselves. But we are yet to have even a realistic view of ourselves."
It could easily be interpreted to mean that evolution hasn't yet progressed to the point where we all show respect to others regardless of race or gender.
"How many of us treat the Black as equal to the rest of the humanity?"
The phrase "the Black" reminds me of what the American politician Rick Santorum said when he used that exact phrase. Patronizing. You could have said something else like "Black people".